Mrs. Glendenning St. Joseph School

This website is a work in progress and my first attempt at building a classroom bare with me!!!!

Above are links to all of my classes.  I will try to keep all classes as up-to-date as possible each week.  Homework and dates for quizzes and tests will be posted as soon as possible. 

This website is being created to ASSIST students and parents and should be used along with STUDENT ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOKS.  

COMMUNICATE with your child!

ASK about their classes and assignments!

CONTACT me with questions ASAP...don't wait until report cards come out!

Check OPTION C weekly for grades.  

GIVE ME feed back on this website

My NEW school email address:

Calendar of Events

Feb. 17           No School & Father/ Daughter Dance

Feb. 20            President's Day     No School

Feb. 21           4-8th Grades to STA    Mass with Bishop Murry  RETURN AT 2:45

Feb. 22           Ash Weds Mass   Lent Begins

Feb. 24 - Mar. 30   Friday Fish Fry!

Feb. 26           Honors Banquet by invitation    Grades 4-8   Invitations will be mailed   4:30PM  School Hall

April 1             Washington, DC Balances due

April 2            Mass